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Due to the severe economic cri7sis prevailing, most likely a
much bigger number of patients will converge at the Bulusan
Central School compound on Black Saturday, March 26, 2005 for the
yearly Free Medical/Dental Clinic & Operation: Tule.
This prompted the new set of officers of Damayan-Buluseño,
Inc. led by its president, Ms. Luz Z. Gambaa to map out plans to
procure the needed medicines and other items to cope up with the
According to Mr. Juan G. Galindes, DBI Local Coordinating
Board Chairman who supervises the yearly operations, the most
needed medicines are vitamins and antibiotics.
Ms. Gamba said that while they will try, they will exhaust
all means to make sure that all patients will be properly attended
to and given their prescribed medicines, she will be very grateful
if some civic minded fellow Buluseños would also extend
assistance in whatever form.
Those who wish to donate something for this project may
send same to the association’s new address at Rm. 208 Gateway
Building, Cartimar, Taft Avenue, Pasay City or may call her up at
tel. nos. 551-4887 and 831-0363. They may also call on out-going
president Mr. Rogelio F. Fuentes at tel. no. 929-5277.
This project which meant so much to poor Buluseños since
1983 cater to an average of 600 patients or more, many of whom
come from far-flung barangays. Taking the cudgels for them, Ms.
Gamba advises patients from within the town proper to give way
first to those who have to travel far at early morning to reach
the town in search of medical treatment, so they could be back
home early.
Barangay San Roque, for once, proudly stands tall way above
550 other barangays in the Province of Sorsogon as recipient of
the prestigious Ini an Sorsoganon! Most
Outstanding Barangay Award 2004 given at Vicenta Hall,
Fernando’s Hotel in Sorsogon City, 28 October 2004.
The secretary of the Department of Education himself, the
Honorable Florencio B. Abad, has recognized the efforts made by
Barangay San Roque for its project San
Roque Tripartite Approach to Quality Elementary Education when
he handed the award to Punong Barangay Salvador F. Fulo in behalf
of the group of Madam Luz Z. Gamba, former president of the San
Roque Elementary School Alumni Association, Inc. (SRESAAI),
project proponent, and concurrent board chairman of San Roque Life
Bringer Foundation, Inc. (SRLBFI), project co-partner.
DepEd Secretary Abad commended the laudable contribution of
the people of San Roque in the Brigada Escuela program of DepEd which has virtually, for Brgy.
San Roque, become a way of life.
The winning project covers primarily the restoration back
to its useful form of the 6-room Marcos-type building which has
been left condemned for
the last several years, and, secondarily, the integrated
development and improvement of the school plant which includes the
installation of two separate covered walks, several plant climbers
and three steel gates; the rehabilitation of the outdoor stage and
the front concrete fence; and the landscaping of the school
grounds, resulting to a well-enhanced over-all effect - clean
lines, color, and class. Total project cost amounted to P1.75M.
A high score was given to community participation and
sustainability of the project, evidenced by records of attendance
as well as the long lists of contributions in whatever form: from
cash of P5 to camote, from a piece of nail to barakong
kape. With not a single centavo from the government.
The project being generally a success story of the Filipino
bayanihan spirit, off-shoot projects are now mushrooming
and investors coming into the barangay.
Mr. Ruben Gonzales, MAFC Chairman, has tapped San Roque as
show-window of mushroom culture. The production of VCO (virgin
coconut oil) and the cultivation of petroleum nut are being
initiated. From reliable sources come the news that experts in
honeybee culture have been invited to put up business centers in
San Roque. Also being readied for summer is the aborted PBBTEC’s
BalayBuhay at the
junction to Bulusan Lake.
In January 2005, the implementation of the Pastoral Plan,
Phase IV, of the Diocese of Sorsogon will begin in Barangay San
Roque which has been chosen as one of the pilot areas in the whole
vicariate of St Anthony of Padua.
Barangay San Roque has not been mistaken in choosing as one
sure guide the words of Ignatius of Loyola:
“Let us work as if success depended upon ourselves alone;
but with heartfelt conviction that we are doing nothing and God
These two groups are scheduled to hold their reunions in
Bulusan this coming Holy Week. This was announced by Mr. Rogelio
F. Fuentes who heads both.
According to Mr. Fuentes, a meeting of the two groups in
preparation for the occasions will be held when he comes home late
January or early February 2005.
He urged all members of the Gacosta Clan and Class ’51 to
join, as he wants a really big attendance in the affairs. He said
it is his wish to see and meet with people close to him during the
gathering, as it could be his last chance to be with them.
He is perhaps referring to the premonition that something
untoward may befall him anytime as a result of his continuous
tirade in his column published in this Gazette against the
malpractices and abuses of some people.
It will be recalled that Mr. Fuentes who loves more to
mingle with the common people than with the affluents, organized
in 1979 the first reunion of Class ’51 of the Bulusan Central
School. The affair which was the first to be held by a class in
the elementary level in Bulusan and perhaps in the Province of
Sorsogon, brought enormous joy to the lowly members who were not
able to study beyond Grade VI because of poverty. It was the
chance for them to rub elbows after 28 years with their former
classmates who became successful professionals and businessmen.
From then on, they hold their get-together every other year.
Because of their closeness, many poor members benefited
from their well-off classmates by way of hospitalization,
scholarships for their children, and financial assistance.
Due to the persistent clamor of his cousins and other
relatives on the maternal side of his father, the late Arcadio G.
Fuentes, Mr. Fuentes also organized the Gacosta Clan which held
its first Grand Reunion in Sta. Magdalena in 1993 and was followed
in 1995 at the same venue. The third was held in Barangay Talaonga,
Sta. Magdalena. For the first time, it was moved to Bulusan in
1999. Since then, Bulusan became their permanent venue, as it is
the most accessible place for members from Bulan, Irosin, Matnog,
Sta. Magdalena, Barcelona, Gubat, and Sorsogon.
On Black Saturday of last year’s Holy Week, the Fuentes
Clan, which Mr. Fuentes also organized, had its third grand
reunion also in Bulusan.
Now that he will relinquish the presidency of
Damayan-Buluseño, Inc. at the end of this year, he vows to devote
his remaining years to Gacosta and Fuentes Clans and the Class
’51 which he also heads.
It is his cherished wish, he said, that unity and closeness
among the members be maintained at all times regardless of one’s
political ideology and religious affiliation and social status in
He stressed further that it is the reason why he shies away
from politics since the very beginning despite so much prodding
from various sectors as it causes disunity and bitterness among
members of the community because of the dirty tricks employed by
greedy politicians just to win.
semi-permanent houses were totally burned to the ground at San
Rafael, Bulusan, Sorsogon when a fire broke out just an hour
before midnight of October 16, 2004. The owners of the said houses
were apparently already asleep and were just awakened by their
who lost their houses were: Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Peralta (nee
Dominga Fuasa), 73 and 60 years old respectively, with six
children who are now all married but with two grandchildren
staying with them; Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Gipulle (nee Veronica
Fuasa), 52 and 55 years old respectively, with two sets of
all-male twins; Mr. & Mrs. Donnel Gipulle (nee Syryl Gaurino),
25 and 22 years old respectively, with a four-year old child.
people claim the fire started from under one of the houses where
coconut husks where intentionally left on low fire to drive away
mosquitoes. Others still blame faulty electrical wiring for the
and members of the Knights of Columbus Council No. 13265 have
already given their share of used clothes, food items, and cash to
the fire victims. Other groups have already done their part.
It is about time we do ours. (JGG)
three months in the parish, Fr. Domingo A. France, parish priest,
has these accomplishments:
laying out of a concrete pathway from the center of the
patio to the convent, and the cementing of the convent’s front
yard (shared by past hermano mayor);
improvements on the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
with the installation of a water system for drinking and watering;
repainting (donation from the USA); and
repair of the roof of the convent to be followed by repair
on the church roofing (donation)
ten-(10) male parishioners from the different barangays finished
their seminar for the lay ministry. They were installed and
commissioned as lay ministers just before the Misa de Gallo
to assist the priest in administering Holy Communion. They are now
assigned in Buhang, San Roque, and in the poblacion. They also
visit the homes of sick people and administer communion to them.
A Botica sa Parokya was also opened on November 8,
2004 - with medicines coming from the Diocese. Three lady
parishioners attended a seminar over the maintenance of the botica
and they take turns in attending to customers. The medicines,
intended for the poor, are priced lower than those sold in drug
stores. It is hoped that a volunteer doctor can serve in the botica
for consultation even after every Sunday mass. The sales from the
medicines will be used to buy medicines from the Diocesan Office
on Social Action. A little honorarium for the sales ladies comes
from the Diocese but by February 2005, such should already come
from the Parish. (JGG)

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