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Engr. Pablito R. Freo

Less than three months to go, another year shall have
passed and a double whammy had struck Bulusan.
Around the middle part of June, Bulusan Volcano erupted
and not a single individual in any barangay of Bulusan got in
any way affected because the wind was towards the direction of
Irosin, Juban, and Casiguran – towns which were the ones that
suffered enormously from the ash falls.
In a span of five months after the first eruption,
Bulusan experienced severe ash fall when the volcano erupted
again last October 11. The wind headed southeast thereby
dropping all the ash towards Bulusan and Irosin.
According to reports, the LGU officials relentlessly
performed their duties by giving assistance to the townsfolk.
Facemasks were distributed in the affected barangays.
Ash fall victims from San Roque were brought to the
Municipal Health Center for medication.
Mayor Guysayko did well in his task of assisting the
victims. He even
borrowed a fire truck from Sorsogon and sprayed the streets with
water to wash out the dust which when inhaled is unhealthy for
people especially those with respiratory ailments. Bulusan
Volcano remains at a high level of unrest with a mudflow threat
each time it rains.
The second whammy was furious Milenyo. Though it
might not really be the strongest to ever hit Bulusan, Matnog,
& Sta. Magdalena- still it was able to bring down trees.
Banana, mango, coconut – all were similarly battered
and many farmers lost their livelihood. The LGU thus distributed
relief goods like rice & sardines.
If Milenyo may seem like it is unfair to the poor,
the rich were likewise affected by its power and might. Almost
all businessmen were complaining about the slow pace of
business, “maluyahon . . . pan-o man na wara produkto, kaya
wara man ibarakal an mga tawo”.
Bulusan folks can be compared always to a bamboo tree,
pliant and patient. They can stand to the worst crisis, and can
promptly get back on their own feet. This is because they are so
prayerful and believes strongly that St. James the Greater,
their patron – is never neglectful of them.
His intercession during times of danger and chaos is
incomparable. Thus
we say, “Viva,
Señor Santo Santiago!”
we at Damayan are focusing on how we could contribute to the
local government’s objective of helping the families most
affected by these calamities. Thus, this Christmas season, we
We are soliciting canned goods, rice, noodles, and
used clothing to be given to those families. We were hoping
that with your help, we might be able to reach out to our town
mates back home who are in most need of assistance.
Should you wish to be a part of this worthy undertaking,
kindly get in touch with any of our officers or call tel. nos.
921-9141, 727-6353, (0918) 559-6522.
Salamatunon tabi, nan mabalos!
Rogelio "Elio" Fuentes

Mapabakal Kon Wara Mabakal - II”
Sadto, an Sorsogon, trangkiluhon na lugar lalo na an
Bulusan kon panahon san eleksyon. Wara darayaan, wara barakalan sin boto. Makusugon pa sadto sa puso san mga tawo an delicadeza
nan prinsipyo. An
publiko an nagpipirit sa tawo na gusto nira ikandidato kay aram
nira na magayon an kredibilidad para mamuno.
Daghan an habo magkandidato kay aram nira dako na
sakripisyo na serbisyo oras na manggana.
Wara sadto nagpapabakal sin boto kay wara man mabakal.
An mga botante naderetso sa presinto para iboto an gusto
nira na kandidato. An
gasto hamok san kandidato, an pagpakaon bilang pasalamat sa mga
nahapit sa kanira. Dahil
malinig an eleksyon, diri makulog sa buot san napierde kay an
resulta tunay na kagustuhan san mga botante.
Dako an pagbag-o san situasyon san umingkod sa trono an
diktador lalo na san mag-reeleksyon san 1969. Para makasiguro an
panggana, bunaha an kuarta san gobierno na ibakal sin boto nan
ibayad sin mahal sa mga traydor na lider san oposisyon.
Mao kauso an GUNS, GOONS, and GOLD.
An habo san kuarta, bala o nawawara.
Hanggan niyan, nag-aayo sin hustisya an mga pamilya san
mga ribu-ribo na biktima. Para
madagdagan an pondo, nauso an milyun-milyon na GHOST
Kaya, diri nira makontrolan na magsukot man an NPA
sin SOP.
Mao na an pagkalubong sa utang san gobierno nan pagbatog
san mga rally nan demonstrasyon kontra sa administrasyon.
An maraot pa, an mga kaso kontra sa administrasyon bale
wara kay pati building na may ebidensya sinusunog; an mga
testigo, nawawara. Nadomdoman
ko, may diri nakapugol na kandidato para vice-mayor sa Quezon
City san 1971 an nagdiskurso sa TV nan radyo na sinabi: “The
president exported gangsterism and other criminalities from the
north to the rest of the Philippines.” Sa init nira,
diniktahan an sayo na relihiyon para iboykot san mga miembro an
Dahil sa puersahan na panggana sa eleksyon san mga
kaalyado san 1971, mao nabuhay an NPA.
Diri pa nakuntento, mientras natapos an ikaduwa na
termino san diktador, dineklara an Martial Law san 1972
na sinundan pa san pagbag-o san constitution sa parliamentary.
Dahil kontrolado na sin husto an administrasyon, duon
sira nakasikwat sin bilyun-bilyon na kayamanan na dineposito sa
iba-iba na nasyon para diri maabot san gobierno.
Dahil habuon sira na maagaw sa kanira an puesto, pinatay
si Ninoy Aquino san 1983 nan dinaya pa sa eleksyon si Cory
Aquino san 1986. Kaya,
dahil sa kanira sobra na pagkagahaman sa puesto nan kayamanan,
diri na nakapagpugol an mga Pilipino.
Sa paagui san People Power pinalayas an pamilya
san diktador nan mga alipores san mga tawo na
nagsamba sa kanira sa sulod sin 20 anyos.
Bagaman dako na kasal-an an pagsikwat nira san
bilyun-bilyon na kayamanan san Pilipinas, pero, an
pinakasumpa-sumpa na binilin nira an pinakamaati-on na sistema
san pulitika. Wara
sira sin paki-aram kun pira na buhay an mawara nan kun pira na
milyon na kuarta san gobierno an mawaldas basta manggana sira.
An pinauso nira na guns, goons, and gold naging
parte na san buhay san mga pulitiko hanggan niyan dahil pati
sira naging gahaman na man sa puesto. Pati an iba na mga
propesyonal nahali naman an delicadeza nan prinsipyo kay
diri kuno duon sira magkakakuarta. Nagpadagos an darayaan nan
barakalan sin boto batog sa pinakahataas na puesto hanggan sa
barangay kagawad nan SK. Pati mga kabataan nawara naman an moral
values na ideyalismo dahil sa namasdan na ehemplo san mga
tradisyunal na pulitiko. Kaya, nano an magiging hitsura san
kanira administrasyon sa maabot na panahon? Mao yuon an
pinakamarauton na legasiya na binilin nira.
Naniniwala ako na may solusyon pa sa problema na ini
mientras maraot sin husto an ato situasyon na sugad san mga
nangyayari sa iba na lugar na pati mga magkadugo nagpaparatayan
dahil sa maati-on na eleksyon. Kaya, para sa katiwasayan san ato
bungto nan alang-alang sa masunod ta na henerasyon, ini-engganyo
ko uli an mga lider san iba-iba na relihiyon, organisasyon, nan
sektor san edukasyon na mag-aratubang kita para hanapan ta sin
solusyon ini na problema. Diri na kita manguntinuar nan mahadok.
Diri ta kinokontra an sin-o man na pulitiko kondi gusto ta hamok
ibutang sa tama na situasyon an maabot na eleksyon kon madadagos.
Aram ko, nauyamon naman kamo san darayaan nan barakalan san boto
na nakaraot sin husto san moralidad san ato mga kabubungto. Kaya,
magkasarayo kita para mabag-o ini
na sistema sa panahon ta para may makahulugan kita na
ibilin na legasiya sa ato mga kabataan.
An totoo, an hihimuon ta mas pabor pa sa mga kandidato
kay aayuon ta sa kanira an magdiyalogo an mga partido para sa
sayo na PAREHAS, MALINIG, nan HONESTO na eleksyon. Kaya, kulang
pa sira sa gastos, mataas pa an kanira dignidad. An ibakal nira
sin boto, iindono na hamok sa sayo na proyekto na pakinabangan
san mga tawo, uumawon pa sira. Domdomon nira na mas maogma na
manggana na may kredibilidad nan mapierde na may dignidad.
Domdomon man nira na an intero na bagay may katapusan. Maogma an
natapos na may binilin na magayon na panomdoman kesa natapos na
kinokondena hanggan kamatayan san mga tawo na inagrabyado sugad
san diktador nan iba na mga gahaman na lider.
Kon sinsero sira na maserbe sa publiko, diri magub-at ini
na aayuon ta sa kanira. Kaya, sa mga maabot na adlaw magmiting
kita manungod sa katuyuhan na ini. Masurat ako saiyo kon
mag-aaratubang na kita.
Pinapadomdom ko uli na WARA SIN MAPABAKAL SIN BOTO KUN

Ko, Kaluoyi Kami - V"
uya naman nakaluhod, padagos na nangadyi kami
padagos an mga nakapuesto na pinipirit nan pinupursigue
maliwanan an constitution para sa interes na pansadiri
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
na sira nakokontento na nakapang-agrabyado nan nakaapi
mga naging kalaban sa pulitika san eleksyon na nakaagui
isusulong naman nira an gobierno na parliamentary
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
sa Korte Suprema kay an mga huwes diri nakombinse
People’s Initiative na ginastuhan sin kuarta na grabe
kuno sa gobierno na makadagdag pa sa pagkabangkarote
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
maniwala an mga huwes na totoo na Sigaw ng Bayan ini
daghanon kuno an mga pirma sa listahan na puro mga peke
na pati an mga nakahigda na sa pantyon na may R.I.P.
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
may pirma man kuno na tunay nan diri man mga peke
inagoy ngon-a sin sobre mientras sira nakakombinse
mga iba naman pinapirmahan sa kanira mga tawo na sadiri
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
an mga naniniwala na ini kuno Sigaw
ng Grupo ni JDV
sinabayan man san Sigaw
ng mga Gobernador at Alkalde
pa san mga alipores nira na gutumon an mga bulate
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
kon diri pasado an Plan A an ikasa naman an Plan
an Constituent Assembly diri kuno an senado kasali
na san martial law na an gobierno kanira na sadiri
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
an Charter Change sa kanira ipirit nan ipursigue
oras na makalusot daog pa an tumama sa lotto an suerte
sa puesto, wara eleksyon, padagos an abot san S.O.P.
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
mga pinakanakakadisganar na hinihimo nira nan pinakagrabe
badi bala an masalo san mga nangontra nan diri komporme
na ginagalang an mga Alagad san Diyos na mga militante
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
kulog san buot haros maputok na an dobdob san mga naapi
sa Langit na inaayo an hustisya sa maraot na nangyayari
init san Nasa Itaas, sa iba-iba na mga kalamidad pinaagui
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
lugod pabor sa kanira kon may kalamidad na nangyayari
puede naman makapagdeklara sira sin state of calamity
lalaumon na naman sira na suerte sugad san sa Mercury
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!
naman an kanira kaalyado na mga tuso na negosyante
sardinas an naabot na mga donasyon na karne
bale maagrabyado an mga pobre basta busog an mga buitre
guiyahan tabi sira sa liwanag, DIYOS KO, KALUOYI KAMI!

In the previous issue, we said that karma is action. But
what exactly is action? Action is the energy of our consciousness expressed through the body. And at most
times, we are either giving out or taking in energy from someone
or something. This giving and taking is the same as taking a
loan from, or making a regular deposit in a bank. You
either have a debt or you will have accumulated money
plus a little interest. And so we have accounts in our
relationships. If you have deposited a lot of pain and sorrow
with someone, if your actions have caused them suffering,
eventually that must be repaid.
The same happens if you have become dependent on another
person for support, in which case that “loan” will
eventually have to be paid back.
In all relationships there is some give and take and the
greatest interaction takes place with those who are closest. To
get a sense of the value of your interactions, consider the
three kinds of action through which the soul carries out through
the body: Positive Action arises
from being soul-conscious. The action is purely
benevolent and there is no motive or desire for any return. Actions
carried out in soul-consciousness will help others rediscover
their own soul-consciousness. Negative action is
motivated by body-consciousness. In this state, one seeks
self-gratification or one gets angry at someone because desires
are not met. These are the actions that accumulate karmic debts.
Neutral action involves routine tasks which do not
affect others; washing dishes, brushing teeth, cleaning the
house, driving car, etc. However, even these actions, if carried
out in a state of body-consciousness, can become negative. Why?
Because the quality of intention or motive behind an action also
determines result.
This present time, we all find ourselves with debts to
settle- debts also accumulated from previous births. These
prevent us from finding true freedom
and are always interrupting our peace and happiness. If
someone keeps coming into your mind, interrupting your
concentration, or triggering feelings of frustration or
depression, you can understand that you have some outstanding
karmic debt.
There are three methods of settling your karmic debts and
setting yourself free: 1. You can stop performing action in a
state of body-consciousness, i.e. taking from others. 2. You can
begin to repay your outstanding debts by serving those souls
with whom you have a karmic account. This however, can take time
and perhaps as long as it took to create the debts. 3. The
fastest way is to meditate; to establish that direct link with
the source of spiritual power, the Supreme Soul, God the Supreme
Father, to pass on
to others through your good wishes, positive thoughts and
vibrations. This union with the Supreme is the key to your own
personal freedom from the bondage of karma with other humans.
Not only does that power transform your old habits, which
created the debts in the first place, but it is also the income
you need to settle all your debts comparatively quickly. The
quality of your actions becomes higher.
Now, that we have knowledge of karma, we can accept that
whatever has happened in our life up to this moment cannot be
attributed to any person, ancestors, the government or even God.
It is ours and ours alone. Equally what our future holds depends
on us. Rather, what we choose to do at the moment is already
creating our destiny for tomorrow.
We should not forget that the only real time for creating
our future is the present, NOW. Karma teaches that
we are the creator of our own little world. We are also the
creator of the environment immediately around us. On greater
level, we are co-creators together with God of the world of
That we can create the future of our choice- love, peace
and happiness is what is going to happen. If we choose to
exchange love and peace in our interactions with others, we
create relationships based on those qualities.
The topic on body-consciousness and soul-consciousness was
expounded in previous issue of the Gazette.
Source: Teachings of the Brahma Kumaris World
Spiritual University)
great to be back.
I’ve finally said it. I
did not have the chance to say it in our previous issue due to
space constraints, but now – well, finally.
After hours (mostly night)
of staying up with eyes locked to the monitor and the
copy holder, and an
occasional cup of extra strong coffee at hand,
this issue is almost done. Save for this space I have
allotted to myself. Everything else has been laid out, you see
– and all that is missing is this piece - my piece.
previous issue – released on the 2nd Sunday of
October this year, was our first ever after more than a year of
non-publication. It
was of course memorable not only to me but to everyone else who
cares about the Gazette. It was a statement, if more than
anything else – that there really is hope for Bulusan and its
people to be actually united in one spirit, to be a
community of Buluseños striving to work out their
differences despite everything that’s been said and done –
and yes, written.
re-opened long-awaited avenues, highways, and even
bridges to Buluseños everywhere – those in need, and those
who could help; those who are homesick, and those who can bring
news of home. It continues to inspire and to actually make
people think of and consider lasting solutions.
current issue is intended for release on the 2nd
Sunday of December, when the association shall be celebrating
its annual Christmas party.
It was primarily intended to cover events relative to the
calamities that recently hit Bulusan, and of the immense import
for unity during these times.
it’s great to back. And what greater sight would it be than to
see people of the same roots and blood helping one another,
knowing that deep within either side resides love, sincerity and
mutual respect.
would like to thank Eden G. Tan for her very touching and
inspiring letter published in the last issue of this Gazette.
It gives me more courage, strength, and firm
determination to pursue the goals of Damayan-Buluseño, Inc. to
attain peace and progress for our hometown, Bulusan.
admire her for her courage in expressing her sentiments against
wrong doings in our community which had greatly eroded the moral
values of our people including the youth who will be our future
remember Eden was then a COCOFED scholar in Chemical Engineering
in Manila in the early days of Damayan when I personally asked
her to organize the youth.
Through her and other Buluseño young men and women, the Metro-Manila
Youth Chapter of the association was born which contributed
a lot to the success of its various projects and activities.
appreciate very much their group because despite their limited
resources derived from different forms of fundraising, they were
able to undertake meaningful projects of their own. Among their
significant accomplishments were: the whole-day seminar in
Bulusan on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs conducted by two
representatives from the Dangerous Drugs Board in Manila which
was the first to be sponsored by a youth group in Region V; and
the three-day Youth Leadership Seminar in Barangay San
Roque conducted by Mr. Tim Villanueva of DILG- Manila.
The latter was through the efforts of the late Annie
Ferreras, and Edith Gapas-Dome (now based in Melbourne,
Australia) who were then both officers of Damayan. The seminar
which was attended by youth from the 24 barangays of Bulusan
paved the way for the organization of the Barangay Youth
Chapters long before the creation of what is now the Sangguniang
those days, I could see how earnest their desires were to
support the goals of Damayan all for the benefit of Bulusan and
fellow Buluseños. I
am glad that although they are now settled elsewhere and are far
apart, they are still in close contact with each other and the
spirit of Damayan still lingers in their hearts and minds.
only our youth of today would have the same enthusiasm and
dedication to serve our community, then the dreams and
aspirations of Dr. Jose P. Rizal would not be in vain.
you Eden, I hope you will always stand firm on your commitment
of support to the mission of Damayan-Buluseño for the benefit
of our hometown and our people.
I wish you more power.
God bless.
of Death |
of Deceased |
Age |
Barangay |
2006 |
4 |
F.Fumera |
72 |
Roque |
5 |
G. Manda |
63 |
Central |
7 |
F. Bañares |
46 |
Isidro |
8 |
F. Furio |
75 |
Isidro |
13 |
G. Castillo |
66 |
Looban |
14 |
F. Monteo |
76 |
Bernardo |
14 |
G. Fresto |
65 |
Madlawon |
15 |
A. Gallor |
84 |
Madlawon |
18 |
G. Gestiada |
79 |
Dapdap |
19 |
G. Gaurino |
49 |
Rafael |
24 |
P. Espinar |
66 |
Isidro |
24 |
E. Hasta |
64 |
Madlawon |
24 |
F. Furio, Jr. |
17 |
Tinampo |
27 |
B. Firmanes |
39 |
Isidro |
30 |
F. Fuellas |
48 |
Antonio |
2006 |
1 |
Manga |
53 |
Madlawon |
5 |
G. Emberga |
82 |
Francisco |
6 |
Chris G. Riamon |
3 |
Buhang |
8 |
M. Galon |
70 |
Sabang |
11 |
G. Gallardo |
53 |
Buhang |
14 |
F. Gaban |
80 |
Roque |
16 |
F. Fremista |
79 |
Lalud |
19 |
F. Furio |
97 |
Antonio |
22 |
D. Balbalosa |
- |
Roque |
23 |
F. Gapayao |
78 |
Bernardo |
25 |
R. Furio |
40 |
Mabuhay |
26 |
P. Aragon |
78 |
Sabang |
28 |
B. Furio |
26 |
Mabuhay |
Parish Records of Deaths
who wish to send in their reactions to the letters and other
articles published in this Gazette, opinions, and suggestions –
are requested to indicate their complete names with signatures and
may request that their names be withheld if they so desire for
security reasons.
with no names, signatures, and return addresses will not be